Thanks Mom For Not Giving Me A Choice

To our two Moms (and Dads) who taught us early on that Church should be a priority in our life, so that we would continue to make Church a priority later in life when we were out on our on and the decision was ours alone to make. Thanks for not giving us a choice on whether or not we were going to Church each and every Sunday!

Happy Mothers Day!

Old Country Church Music Video

Here is the new video for Old Country Church, our first song off of our new album Impressions From Sunday School!

I consider this song to be my personal testimony of how I came to know Christ while attending Salem Baptist church as a child.  For years I had a hard time hearing about other people’s testimonies.  It always seemed like theirs were more powerful than mine because there would be some ground shattering revelation that happened to them or they had some extreme life changing event or they fell so deep into sin that only Christ could pull them back up.

Mine, however, was just so simple and even a little bit boring.  I grew up in church, went to church every week, and tried my best to stay out of trouble.  When it was time for me to get saved, I had no ground shattering revelation and I had not done something so horrible that I could no longer function.  Instead, I just felt a pull on my heart.  I knew what it was.  I knew what I had to do.  It was that simple.  I knew I was a sinner who needed to be saved by Jesus Christ’s unfathomable grace and I knew that the that pull on my heart was Jesus saying now was the time.

For years I thought that my testimony was no good because it was boring and had no wow factor, but now I see it a different way.  How thankful I am to have a loving family that taught me about Jesus as a child.  How thankful I am that I was made to go to Sunday School as a child even when I did not feel like it.  Because of my wonderful family, I was able to enter into the folds of Christ without having to go through all of the hardship and trials that others face.  I am no longer embarrassed by my testimony, but instead, I am proud of it and glad to have it and to be able to share it with others.

So no matter how you came to know Christ as your Lord and Savior, don’t be embarrassed by it.  Embrace it and share it with others.  There is no telling how your testimony will affect others.

Feel free to leave a comment below and share your testimony.  I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you.  Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow via e-mail.


To God Be The Glory!

We had a great day at church yesterday. It was such an awesome worship service. I always love it when we get to play the song “When I Think About the Lord.” Oh how I enjoy playing drums on that song. It has such a different feel from everything and has an infectious melody that just sucks you into worship.

Right before the sermon, Nancy sang “My Tribute” by Andrae Crouch, with a piano accompaniment. I was lucky and quick enough to remember the recording app on my iPhone and was able to get a recording. It was such a wonderful song. Both young and old were caught up in a worshipful bliss as she sang. I hope you enjoy the video and get a wonderful blessing from it.

You can check out our music at our Wright Now Bandcamp page or on our Youtube Channel. Please feel free to leave a comment, like us on Facebook, or follow us on e-mail.

Have a blessed day!